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Beesure GPS APP Quick Start Guide

Views: 2509     Author: 4P-Touch     Publish Time: 2021-06-09      Origin: Site

1) Before inserting the SIM card into the device or when removing the SIM card from the device, the device must first be turned OFF.

2) Restart the device outside in an open area where you are guaranteed to have a good signal to properly sync the GPS position from the satellites. This way you ensure the correct functionality of the device. Please note that in places with a poorer signal, the device may not be set correctly.

3) After pairing the device with the app (with your account), logout the app and then login again to refresh the app features


*For the 1st time or new using GPS device ,if you test the device and the realtime position inaccurate ,please kindly try to restart it outdoors in an open area to get the GPS map position in app first,the dot pin in the Google map is in Red. it will syncs the satellites with local coordinates (Latitude and longitude) in App Googlemap position, this should be also help the indoors positions more accuracy .Please kindly ensure you test GPS outdoors and get the GPS position first . 

If not ,you need take it outdoors and restart it to get the GPS position first in App Google map, this will also more accuracy once after indoors position.

More information , please refer to our company website :

Beesure GPS APP Quick Start Guide

Beesure GPS APP download

Please kindly note it ensure the GPS device be protected well that they can not easily be hacked.It's ok to register 5 login accounts with different e-mail address in the app in your smart phone. If you need create more than 5 login accounts in the smart phone , you have to use another phone. one login account ok to bind 50pcs Max. GPS devices in the app monitoring at the same time.

Beesure GPS registered @ 4P-Touch free download it in Googleplay store or Appstore, both compatible Android phone and IOS phone, free using Global anytime anywhere:

1) download APP and install app in your smart phone

2) insert the sim card in the device and turn on the device ( Please kindly ensure the sim card valid Voice +SMS+GPRS)

    i) if the sim card with pin code, please kindly remote it in your smart phone

    ii) if the sim card with pre-setting voice mail , please kindly work with sim operator to remove it .

3) use your e-mail address to register the app login ID and password , once login , you need select the language , select the area of local region, then login app

(Please kindly note the email address and password NO any special characters/symbols in it)

app regiter


add device

4) Add the device in app, scan the SQUARE QR code on the device backing or on the hangtag.( GPS watch you can scan the QR code in the watch )

OR you manually input the register code on the QR sticker/hantag is fine, but It's NOT the device ID number.

After adding the device in app, please kindly logout the app and login app again to refresh the app features.

5) After Login APP,Press the Locate on the bottom of the APP ,just check if the device is Online or offline

6) If online, you can see the syncs the time and date, for the 1st time using the new device, it's better take it outdoor ,

OR put it out of window to sync the map location come from GPS satellites, this will more accuracy once after indoors

(just hold the item and put hand out of the window, and meanwhile press Locate in app until you get GPS signals from satellites)

7) if device offline and the device you have is 2G /GSM device, we need check 2 things with sim card Operator, if the sim card full compatible with 2G/GSM network , also they  need activate GSM GPRS plan 25-30MB monthly plan pre-paid. If yes, we still need to check the SIM card APN include the MCC and MNC code in an android smart phone , it is in the phone Setting. ( you can refer to the attached video)

   i)the sim is full compatible with 2G/GSM network;

   ii)activate GSM /GPRS 25-30MB monthly plan pre-paid

Whatever 4G or 5G SIM card ,just need check 2 things is fine,all our 2G gps device ok to use 4G or 5G SIM card

8) If it is 4G system GPS device , just ensure the sim card is 4G VOLTE SIM (Valid Voice+SMS+GPRS) and activate GPRS plan is fine. (Nomally 4G GPRS 60-80MB monthly plan pre-paid, if it is GPS watch with video call feature, GPRS plan probably 100-120MB monthly )

*All the sim card for GPS , please kindly ensure no PIN code, if with it , it should remove it in the smart phone before you insert it in the GPS device

*Please kindly note all our device use the same protocol, the device should reply our particular SMS command

Regarding the device Offline, we can try to check as follows through SMS( no any space among the command):


Copy and paste it in your smart phone and send this SMS from your smart phone to the number of the sim card in the GPS device , it will get the reply,The gps will reply the motherboard information and gps working status as follows:


ver:G4P_EMMC_HJ_Adult_En_N_LaRn_2021.08.26_10.22.36;( Version #)

ID:3004627638; (Device ID number)

imei:866930046276383;( Device IMEI number)

url:; (Server Portal IP -* we have different portal in different region) (Refer to our website: )

port:8001;( Server Portal port)

upload:60000;( upload time interval)

lk:300;( Linkkeep sending)

batlevel:50;( Battery status)

language:vi;( Language version)

zone:+07:00;( time zone)

profile:1; (Scence mode)

GPS:OK(0); ( GPS OK means Outdoor, GPS NO means indoors or weak GPS signal)

wifiOpen:true;( WIFI netowrk or hotspots valid)

wifiConnect:false; (WIFI network connection status)

gprsOpen:true; ( GPRS valid or invalid)

NET:OK(100) ( Net OK means the device already connect the local network, device is working ; Net NO mean the network disconnected)

This is the template of the ts# reply from the GPS device,  you need exactly understand the GPS reply each content, this is the only way we can check what's the GPS device status , NET should be OK

Net NO means device offline,we have to take out the sim card to put in an android smart phone to check the APN information include the MCC and MNC code in phone Setting,Please kindly refer to Youtube link:

Please kindly note because the firmware different type , we also have different reply from the devices,FYI

ver:C401_F10_YSC_Y6_240_V1.0_H_2023.08.18_09.15.48; ( Version #)

id:9705219250;(Device ID number)

imei:861397052192505;(Device IMEI number)

gsmready:1;(sim valid)

sig_level:5;(signal valid)

netid:6;(network valid)

ip_url:;( Server Portal IP)

port:8001;( Server Portal port)

linktime:240;( Linkkeep sending)

NET:OK(5);( Net OK means the device already connect the local network, device is working ; Net NO mean the network disconnected)

gps_type:td;(GPS module valid)
upload:60000(s);( upload time interval)

Once you get the APN information(include MCC,MNC) , for example , the APN, MCC is 402,MNC is 06

after this you need insert the sim in the GPS device again and turn it on,then you send SMS from your smart phone to the sim card number in the GPS device:


After seting the APN SMS, you need send SMS to reboot the system :


This is the time to check the ts# reply again, ensure GPRS and Net OK.

(Do not use any strange sms command, Important :no any space among the SMS command)

Check sim card apn information and set the apn , please kindly refer to our website:

***We need do these to ensure the device connect the local network, make the GPS device work and online in app, then all GPS feature is in APP,app is easy to operation , you can press anywhere to check the working feature and try to be familiar with our app operation.Our app is intelligent to detect the device for particular features, different item with different features, app will appear the correspondings features.

This is explain to you because the device is for global user, different country has many sim operator , each operator has different APN ,MCC and MNC to verify their own network, we just need do this to compatible with local network and make the item work is fine.


***Apn setting is not necessary for all the sim card , because in our GPS software , we already pre-load the most operator's APN settings, just incase some sim card is from the new operator . If device offline in app , you need use to check the ts# reply to know the GPS working status.

*One app account ok for monitoring 50pcs MAX devices at the same time , you can switch checking anyone in the app listed nicknames.

Beesure GPS app 01Beesure GPS app 02


Please kindly note for 4G gps tracker:

1) No operation during charging

2) whatever insert the SIM card or take out the SIM card, it should turn off the watch first

3) Please kindly note the 4G GPS watch ,after turning it on , it has itself system runing software time, Do not click or Press the button very qucik/often, just wait a few seconds and operation it is fine.

4) If any improperly operation caused the watch dead, just need turn off the watch and long press the power button around 25 seconds to active the system is fine,

Or open watch backing to use the tweezers to short circuit the battery , then charge it.Please kindly refer to our website how to re-activate the battey :

5) Do not use the data cable to charge the watch ,this is easy to get the watch dead

6) If the battery is dead, needs larger amperage to start. it like on old Nokia 3310 when if u keep the phone dead for a week it was needed a higher amperage charger to start it, the standard USB charger is 5V/1A or laptop USB charger , Do not use 5V/2A or more faster charger

*Please kindly note all device datas saved in our serer portal is 3 months,if you need check the historic route, you need Click the Locate pin in the app to check the real time position time to time during the time period, then you can see the tracking route during the time period;if you not click the Locate to check the position during the time , there is no historic route in app.Please kindly note the historic route positions in the app only GPS position valid , not appear any LBS or wifi position,FYI

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Because EU restrict the SMS command to avoid the hacker for the personal datas, all our GPS only available for 6 SMS command currently, all our device should reply the below particular SMS commands:


*Regarding the GPS upload time interval in app

Please kindly note all our GPS with gravity sensor to detect the GPS ,if the device keep on moving or shaking , it will upload and sync the datas in app per the time interval pre-set in the app ;

if the device detect no any moving or shaking over 2 minutes , it will auto go to standby mode, only linkeep sending for network connection only, not send the datas in app, also not upload the position in app per the time interval set in the app; 

but if any moving or shaking from the different orientation, it will immediately activate working , but not upload the position in app right then , it will upload the data per the time interval setting in the app from that time;if you need the real time position , you need manual check the position in app.


* Reset the device to factory original setting in app 

Please kindly note we already update app , if you need unbind the device or any error in app, you would like reset the device to the factory original setting , you can reset it now in app now.( No need look for the device provider to rest it in the server end)


all health data monitoring in Beesure GPS app:

app health monitoring

Shenzhen Yushengchang Technology Company is a reliable GPS manufacture , we are specialized in different collections GPS tracker for kids, girls ,lady ,women safety , pets security , senior healthcare , and vehicle fleet management monitoring and assets security tracker. For more information, please kindly visit our website and contact us for test demo:

Shenzhen Yushengchang Technology
Co., Ltd

 Download APP

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  +86-755-29755516
  +8615323410276 (Connie Yan)
  +86 18588448985 (Selina Yu)    
  +8613509607927 (Alan Tong)

  +8615323476221 (Carry Zhang)


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